Monday 19 January 2009

Goldmember opening sequence

Austin Powers Goldmember:

-Starts off with typewriter effect with credits, using non-diagetic sound to seem as if it is high fi and give the impression he is a spy.
-‘Somewhere in Utah’ Shows it is not a serious film.
-Austin Powers costume when skydiving shows it is comedy as it cannot be taken serious.
-Music is quite faced paced however to show that this is also meant to be a kind of thriller, but more of a spoof of James bond.
-The sports car is called the shaguar, further enhancing the mood of a comedy, and it is painted in the Union Jack flag, something not very subtle for a serious spy.
-‘Dixie Normous’ shows that it’s a comedy by the inappropriate names as p[roven by the dialogue also.
-Using spoof characters improves the feel of it being a comedy.



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