Tuesday 20 January 2009

The genres available to use

A supernatural thriller with a strong female lead

In which the conflict is between main characters, usually one of which has supernatural powers. An example of this would be "What Lies Beneath"

A British social realist drama

In which there is a story based on a certain type of people within Britain, focusing on their day to day lives and habits. An example of this would be "This is England"

An adventure story for younger audiences

In which a group of young people go on a quest often to find some treasure or something personal to them. Usually takes place in a non every day place. An example of this is "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe"

A teenage romantic comedy

In which a love interest is made between two teenage characters with a comic twist. An example of this would be "Juno"

A crime caper with an ensemble cast

A film in which there is a plot to commit a crime, usually for money which has a comic feel to it due to lots of mistakes and errors being made by the protagonists. An example of this would be "Snatch"


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